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i.sentinel1.gdargeocode - Geocode Sentinel-1 data using the GDAR library


imagery, satellite, download, SAR, Sentinel


i.sentinel1.gdargeocode --help
i.sentinel1.gdargeocode [-ar] input=name elevation=name [output_directory=name] aoi=name [register_file=name] polarization=string[,string,...] mode=string scale=string suffix=string [overviews=integer[,integer,...]] [nprocs=integer] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]


Apply precision orbit information if available
Remove border noise
Print usage summary
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Force launching GUI dialog


input=name [required]
Path to input file(s)
Comma separated list of paths to Sentinel-1 SAFE files or single text file with list of Sentinel-1 SAFE files (one path per row)
elevation=name [required]
Name of input elevation raster map
Directory where to store geocoded Sentinel-1 data
Name for output directory where to store geocoded Sentinel-1 data (default: ./)
aoi=name [required]
Path to GeoJSON file with the Area Of Interest (aoi)
Path to GeoJSON file with the Area Of Interest (aoi)
Path to register file for registering results in TGIS
polarization=string[,string,...] [required]
Currently only VV and VH from Sentinel-1 GRD IW are supported
Sentinel-1 polarization to geocode
Options: VV, VH
Default: VH
mode=string [required]
Currently only IW mode is supported for Sentinel-1
Sentinel-1 mode to geocode
Options: IW
Default: IW
scale=string [required]
Currently only dbi scaling is supported
Scaling applied to output values
Options: abs, intensity, dba, dbi
Default: dbi
suffix=string [required]
Suffix added to geocoded file / map names
Default: gec
Add overviews to resulting GeoTiffs (e.g. 2,3,8,16)
Number of threads for parallel computing
Default: 1

Table of contents


i.sentinel1.gdargeocode geocodes Sentinel-1 imagery on a user defined Digital Elevation Model (DEM) elevation using the proprietary GDAR library developed by (NORCE). Sentinel-1 images with Coordinate reference systems (CRS) different from the current LOCATION will be projected to the CRS of the LOCATION and results will be aligned with and resampled to the pixels in the input DEM.

i.sentinel1.gdargeocode requires a digital elevation model with ellipsoidal reference height as input in the elevation option. Usualy, elevation models represent geoidal heights. Users can apply an Earth Gravitational Model (EGM) to compute ellipsoidal heights from their geoidal elevation models. EGMs can be downloaded as GeoTiffs here: and added to the heights in the geoidal elevation model:

r.mapcalc expression="DTM_ellipsoidal=DTM+EGM"

Values in the output raster maps can be scaled in four different ways using the scale option:

If the a-flag is set, a precise orbit file is fetched from ESAs web service if available (recommended). Note that there is usually a several days time lag after sensing time before these files are made available. If precise orbit files for the given scene are not available, the process will proceeed without and give a warning.

input can be a single Sentinel-1 SAFE file, a directory containing Sentinel-1 files, a comma separated list of Sentinel-1 files or a text file with a list of Sentinel-1 files to geocode. Geocoded images are stored in GeoTIFF format in the output_directory and linked to the GRASS GIS database using r.external.

If only a specifc extent of the Sentinel-1 images is supposed to be geocoded, the user can define the Area of Interest aoi in form of a GeoJSON with a single geometry.

In the nprocs option, users can specify the number of parallel process to run.

Currently, only geocoding of Sentinel-1 imagery in IW mode and VV or VH polarization is supported.


i.sentinel1.gdargeocode -a input=S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20200304T161544_20200304T161609_031528_03A1CB_4A98.SAFE output_directory=./ elevation=elevation


i.sentinel1.gdargeocode uses the following non-standard Python libraries: In order to make GRASS GIS Raster maps directly available to rasterio, the GDAL-GRASS plugin is required to.


asf_search Basics


Stefan Blumentrath


Available at: i.sentinel1.gdargeocode source code (history)

Accessed: Monday Sep 16 09:38:03 2024

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