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t.rast.stats - Compute area statistics of maps in a SpaceTimeRasterDataset


temporal, statistics, raster, time


t.rast.stats --help
t.rast.stats [-Rhacpl1gxArCinN] input=name [zone=name[,name,...]] [where=sql_query] [output=name] [columns=string[,string,...]] [separator=character] [null_value=string] [nsteps=integer] [sort=string] [region_relation=string] [nprocs=integer] [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]


Use the raster map regions for statistic calculation instead of the current region
Print header
Print area totals in square meters
Print cell counts (sortable)
Print approximate (total percent may not be 100%) percents
Print category labels
One cell (range) per line
Print grid coordinates (east and north)
Print x and y (column and row)
Indexing starts with 1: first column and row are 1
Print averaged values instead of intervals (floating-point mapsonly)
Print raw indexes of floating-point ranges (floating-point mapsonly)
Report for cats floating-point ranges (floating-point maps only)
Read floating-point map as integer (use map's quant rules)
Do not report no data value
Do not report cells where all maps have no data
Allow output files to overwrite existing files
Print usage summary
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Force launching GUI dialog


input=name [required]
Name of the input space time raster dataset
Name of input raster map
WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword used in the temporal GIS framework
Example: start_time > '2001-01-01 12:30:00'
Name for output file
Map metadata columns to be written to the utput
Options: creator, ctime, semantic_label, min, max, nsres, ewres, rows, cols, number_of_cells
Field separator
Special characters: pipe, comma, space, tab, newline
Default: pipe
String representing NULL value
Default: *
Number of floating-point subranges to collect stats from
Default: 255
Sort output statistics by cell counts
Default: sorted by categories or intervals
Options: asc, desc
asc: Sort by cell counts in ascending order, desc
Process only maps with this spatial relation to the current computational region
Options: overlaps, contains, is_contained
Number of r.stats processes to run in parallel
Default: 1

Table of contents


t.rast.stats is a wrapper around the r.stats module and computes area statistics for each registered map of a space time raster dataset. Most flags of r.stats are supported.

A zone map can be specified to compute statistics for each of the zones. The zone map should be of CELL type, otherwise flags for handling of floating point data should be specified.

Starting with GRASS GIS version 8.3 the computational region can be used for spatially selecting maps in the SpaceTimeRasterDataset to process. To do so, operators can be chosen in the region_relation option. This can be useful for STRDS with maps with varying spatial extent

Computational region -R


Parallel processing is supported in t.rast.stats. Internally, several r.stats modules will be started, depending on the number of specified parallel processes (nprocs) and the number of input maps to reclassify.


Statistics of monthly data

t.rast.stats input=tempmean_monthly zone=tempmean_year


r.stats, t.rast.univar,

Temporal data processing Wiki


Stefan Blumentrath


Available at: t.rast.stats source code (history)

Accessed: Friday Jan 17 12:43:43 2025

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