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t.register.local - Register files from the local file system as STRDS


temporal, import, raster, time, external, link, gdal


t.register.local --help
t.register.local [-eamorsf] input=name [files=Comma separated list of files to register[,Comma separated list of files to register,...]] [file=CSV-like file with files to import containing map_name,start,stop,semantic_label,file_name,metadata_json[,CSV-like file with files to import containing map_name,start,stop,semantic_label,file_name,metadata_json,...]] output=name [semantic_labels=Input file with configuration for semantic labels ("-" = stdin)] [semantic_label_pattern=Pattern for reading semantic labels from file name (e.g.: "(VV|VH)_dbi_[0-9]+_(ascending|descending)")] [long_name=string] [suffix=string] [time_format=string] [file_pattern=string] [start_time=string] [end_time=string] [color=style] [nodata=Source nodata] units=string [nprocs=integer] [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]


Extend existing STRDS
Auto-adjustment for lat/lon
Read data range from metadata
Override projection check (use current location's projection)
Create fast link without data range
Second time stamp in file name represents the stop time
Filter files using modification time (default is logical time stamp in file name)
Allow output files to overwrite existing files
Print usage summary
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Force launching GUI dialog


input=name [required]
Name of input directory
files=Comma separated list of files to register[,Comma separated list of files to register,...]
Comma separated list of files to register
file=CSV-like file with files to import containing map_name,start,stop,semantic_label,file_name,metadata_json[,CSV-like file with files to import containing map_name,start,stop,semantic_label,file_name,metadata_json,...]
CSV-like file with files to import containing map_name,start,stop,semantic_label,file_name,metadata_json
output=name [required]
Name of the output space time raster dataset
semantic_labels=Input file with configuration for semantic labels ("-" = stdin)
File with mapping of band numbers, variables or subdatasets to semantic labels
semantic_label_pattern=Pattern for reading semantic labels from file name (e.g.: "(VV|VH)_dbi_[0-9]+_(ascending|descending)")
Pattern for reading semantic labels from file name (e.g.: "(VV|VH)_dbi_[0-9]+_(ascending|descending)")
Descriptive long name of the phenomenon the raster maps represent
Suffix of files to register
Suffix of files to register
datetime string format description for extracting date/time from file name (e.g. "%Y%m%d_%H%M")
Default extracts 8 numbers between underscores
Default: "%Y%m%d"
Regular expression for filtering files based on file name
Regular expression for filtering files based on file name
Earliest timestamp of files to register
Timestamp in ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"
Latest timestamp of files to register
Timestamp in ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"
Color table to assign to imported datasets
Options: aspect, aspectcolr, bcyr, bgyr, blues, byg, byr, celsius, corine, curvature, differences, elevation, etopo2, evi, fahrenheit, forest_cover, gdd, grass, greens, grey, grey.eq, grey.log, grey1.0, grey255, gyr, haxby, inferno, kelvin, magma, ndvi, ndwi, nlcd, oranges, plasma, population, population_dens, precipitation, precipitation_daily, precipitation_monthly, rainbow, ramp, random, reds, roygbiv, rstcurv, ryb, ryg, sepia, slope, soilmoisture, srtm, srtm_plus, terrain, viridis, water, wave
Default: viridis
aspect aspect: aspect oriented grey colors [range: map values]
aspectcolr aspectcolr: aspect oriented rainbow colors [range: 0 to 360]
bcyr bcyr: blue through cyan through yellow to red [range: map values]
bgyr bgyr: blue through green through yellow to red [range: map values]
blues blues: white to blue [range: map values]
byg byg: blue through yellow to green [range: map values]
byr byr: blue through yellow to red [range: map values]
celsius celsius: blue to red for degree Celsius temperature [range: -80 to 80]
corine corine: EU Corine land cover colors [range: 111 to 995]
curvature curvature: for terrain curvatures (from and r.slope.aspect) [range: map values]
differences differences: differences oriented colors [range: map values]
elevation elevation: maps relative ranges of raster values to elevation color ramp [range: map values]
etopo2 etopo2: colors for ETOPO2 worldwide bathymetry/topography [range: -11000 to 8850]
evi evi: enhanced vegetative index colors [range: -1 to 1]
fahrenheit fahrenheit: blue to red for Fahrenheit temperature [range: -112 to 176]
forest_cover forest_cover: percentage of forest cover [range: 0 to 100]
gdd gdd: accumulated growing degree days [range: 0 to 6000]
grass grass: GRASS GIS green (perceptually uniform) [range: map values]
greens greens: white to green [range: map values]
grey grey: grey scale [range: map values]
grey.eq grey.eq: histogram-equalized grey scale [range: map values]
grey.log grey.log: histogram logarithmic transformed grey scale [range: map values]
grey1.0 grey1.0: grey scale for raster values between 0.0-1.0 [range: 0 to 1]
grey255 grey255: grey scale for raster values between 0-255 [range: 0 to 255]
gyr gyr: green through yellow to red [range: map values]
haxby haxby: relative colors for bathymetry or topography [range: map values]
inferno inferno: perceptually uniform sequential color table inferno [range: map values]
kelvin kelvin: blue to red for temperature in Kelvin scale [range: 193.15 to 353.15]
magma magma: perceptually uniform sequential color table magma [range: map values]
ndvi ndvi: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index colors [range: -1 to 1]
ndwi ndwi: Normalized Difference Water Index colors [range: -200 to 200]
nlcd nlcd: US National Land Cover Dataset colors [range: 0 to 95]
oranges oranges: white to orange [range: map values]
plasma plasma: perceptually uniform sequential color table plasma [range: map values]
population population: color table covering human population classification breaks [range: 0 to 2e+09]
population_dens population_dens: color table covering human population density classification breaks [range: 0 to 1e+09]
precipitation precipitation: precipitation color table (0..2000mm) [range: 0 to 7000]
precipitation_daily precipitation_daily: precipitation color table (0..1000mm) [range: 0 to 10000]
precipitation_monthly precipitation_monthly: precipitation color table (0..1000mm) [range: 0 to 1000]
rainbow rainbow: rainbow color table [range: map values]
ramp ramp: color ramp [range: map values]
random random: random color table [range: map values]
reds reds: white to red [range: map values]
roygbiv roygbiv: [range: map values]
rstcurv rstcurv: terrain curvature (from r.resamp.rst) [range: map values]
ryb ryb: red through yellow to blue [range: map values]
ryg ryg: red through yellow to green [range: map values]
sepia sepia: yellowish-brown through to white [range: map values]
slope slope: r.slope.aspect-type slope colors for raster values 0-90 [range: 0 to 90]
soilmoisture soilmoisture: soilmoisture color table (0.0-1.0) [range: 0 to 1]
srtm srtm: color palette for Shuttle Radar Topography Mission elevation [range: -11000 to 8850]
srtm_plus srtm_plus: color palette for Shuttle Radar Topography Mission elevation (with seafloor colors) [range: -11000 to 8850]
terrain terrain: global elevation color table covering -11000 to +8850m [range: -11000 to 8850]
viridis viridis: perceptually uniform sequential color table viridis [range: map values]
water water: water depth [range: map values]
wave wave: color wave [range: map values]
nodata=Source nodata
NoData value in source raster maps
units=string [required]
Units of the values in the input raster maps
Number of threads for parallel computing
Default: 1

Table of contents


t.register.local links all local raster data files in a given input directory, with a given file_pattern, and a given suffix to the GRASSDB. Time stamps are extracted from the file name with a user defined time_format regular expression. The start_time option allows to register only files newer than the given time stamp in ISO format (%Y%m%d) optionally including "%H:%M" A semantic_labels file can be used to filter bands in the input files and assign semantic labels to them. The resulting output SpaceTimeRasterDataset can be described with a long_name and units the raster data represent. In addition, nodata values of the source data and a color map can be defined The raster maps can also be registered into an existing SpaceTimeRasterDataset if the e-flag is set.

This module is not sensitive to the current region and mask settings. Parallel processing is supported, depending on the number of specified parallel processes (nprocs) and the number of input maps to register.


Register Sentinel-2 snow cover data

t.register.local --o -o suffix="nc" units="%" nprocs=5 time_format="%Y%m%d" \
    input="/hdata/fjernanalyse2/Sentinel2/Sentinel2jobs/workdir/snowcover/" \
	semantic_labels="/hdata/fjernanalyse3/CopernicusUtviklingOgTest/data_import/semantic_labels_snow_cover.txt" \
	output=Sentinel_2_snow_cover \
	long_name="Snow cover from Sentinel-2, classification and fraction" Sentinel_2_snow_cover
 +-------------------- Space Time Raster Dataset -----------------------------+
 |                                                                            |
 +-------------------- Basic information -------------------------------------+
 | Id: ........................ Sentinel_2_snow_cover@Sentinel_2_snow_cover
 | Name: ...................... Sentinel_2_snow_cover
 | Mapset: .................... Sentinel_2_snow_cover
 | Creator: ................... actiniad
 | Temporal type: ............. absolute
 | Creation time: ............. 2022-12-07 21:29:12.023462
 | Temporal type: ............. absolute
 | Creation time: ............. 2022-12-07 21:29:12.023462
 | Modification time:.......... 2022-12-08 06:20:51.837265
 | Semantic type:.............. mean
 +-------------------- Absolute time -----------------------------------------+
 | Start time:................. 2021-06-25 00:00:00
 | End time:................... 2022-12-07 00:00:00
 | Granularity:................ 1 day
 | Temporal type of maps:...... point
 +-------------------- Spatial extent ----------------------------------------+
 | North:...................... 12833400.0
 | South:...................... 6387540.0
 | East:.. .................... 1283160.0
 | West:....................... -196080.0
 | Top:........................ 0.0
 | Bottom:..................... 0.0
 +-------------------- Metadata information ----------------------------------+
 | Raster register table:...... raster_map_register_1d72255a0d074986af455ad279dda25b
 | North-South resolution min:. 20.0
 | North-South resolution max:. 20.0
 | East-west resolution min:... 20.0
 | East-west resolution max:... 20.0
 | Minimum value min:.......... 0.0
 | Minimum value max:.......... 100.0
 | Maximum value min:.......... 0.0
 | Maximum value max:.......... 100.0
 | Aggregation type:........... None
 | Number of semantic labels:.. 1
 | Semantic labels:............ fractional_snow_cover
 | Number of registered maps:.. 36236
 | Title:
 | Snow cover from Sentinel-2, classification and fraction
 | Description:
 | Snow cover from Sentinel-2, classification and fraction
 | Command history:
 | # 2022-12-07 21:29:12
 | t.create type="strds" temporaltype="absolute"
 |     semantictype="mean"
 |     title="Snow cover from Sentinel-2, classification and fraction"
 |     description="Snow cover from Sentinel-2, classification and fraction"
 |     output="Sentinel_2_snow_cover" --v



Temporal data processing Wiki


Stefan Blumentrath


Available at: t.register.local source code (history)

Accessed: Monday Sep 16 09:38:15 2024

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