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t.sentinel3.import - Import and pre-process Sentinel-3 data from the Copernicus program into a Space Time Raster Dataset (STRDS)


imagery, satellite, Sentinel, temporal, import, optical, thermal


t.sentinel3.import --help
t.sentinel3.import [-ecdjkonr] input=string[,string,...] output=name [title=string] [description=string] product_type=string bands=string[,string,...] [anxillary_bands=string[,string,...]] [flag_bands=string[,string,...]] [maximum_solar_angle=float] [basename=string] [nprocs=integer] [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]


Extend existing STRDS (requires overwrite flag)
Import LST in degree celsius (default is kelvin)
Import data with decimals as double precision
Write metadata json for each band to LOCATION/MAPSET/cell_misc/BAND/description.json
Keep original cell values during interpolation (see: r.fill.stats)
Process oblique view (default is nadir)
Import data at native resolution of the bands (default is use current region)
Rescale radiance bands to reflectance
Allow output files to overwrite existing files
Print usage summary
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Force launching GUI dialog


input=string[,string,...] [required]
Sentinel-3 input data
Either a (comma separated list of) path(s) to Sentinel-3 zip files or a textfile with such paths (one per row)
output=name [required]
Name of the output space time raster dataset (STRDS)
Title of the resulting STRDS
Description of the resulting STRDS
product_type=string [required]
Sentinel-3 product type to import (currently, only S3SL1RBT and S3SL2LST are supported)
Options: S3SL1RBT, S3SL2LST
Default: S3SL2LST
bands=string[,string,...] [required]
Data bands to import (e.g. LST, default is all available)
Default: all
Anxillary data bands to import (e.g. LST_uncertainty, default is None, use "all" to import all available)
Quality flag bands to import (e.g. bayes_in, default is None, use "all" to import all available)
Import only pixels where solar angle is lower or equal to the given maximum
Basename used as prefix for map names (default is derived from the input file(s))
Number of threads for parallel computing
Default: 1

Table of contents


t.sentinel3.import is a wrapper around the i.sentinel3.import module and supports all relevant flags and options of that module. t.sentinel3.import takes a directory or a list of files as input, groups those files by day and track and, processes each group with i.sentinel3.import and registers all resulting maps in the output SpaceTimeRasterDataset (STRDS). If multiple cores are given in the nprocs option, groups are processed in parallel. If more cores than groups are available, multiple cores may be made available to each i.sentinel3.import process.

For more information on pre-prcessing Sentinel-3 data, please consult the manual of i.sentinel3.import.


Import all Sentinel-3 data in a given directory

t.sentinel3.import input=/data/Sentinel3/SLSTR/ output=Sentinel_3_SLSTR_RBT_L2 \
  nprocs=8 product_type=S3SL1RBT -erj \
  title="Sentinel-3 SLSTR RBT Level 2 pre-processed to reflectance" \
  description="Sentinel-3 SLSTR RBT product pre-processed to Level 2, reflectance" Sentinel_3_SLSTR_RBT_L2
+-------------------- Space Time Raster Dataset -----------------------------+
|                                                                            |
+-------------------- Basic information -------------------------------------+
| Id: ........................ Sentinel_3_SLSTR_RBT_L2@PERMANENT
| Name: ...................... Sentinel_3_SLSTR_RBT_L2
| Mapset: .................... PERMANENT
| Creator: ................... ninsbl
| Temporal type: ............. absolute
| Creation time: ............. 2024-03-01 14:50:10.495161
| Modification time:.......... 2024-03-01 14:50:10.644547
| Semantic type:.............. mean
+-------------------- Absolute time -----------------------------------------+
| Start time:................. 2024-01-29 10:58:39
| End time:................... 2024-01-29 11:07:39
| Granularity:................ 540 seconds
| Temporal type of maps:...... interval
+-------------------- Spatial extent ----------------------------------------+
| North:...................... 8555600.0
| South:...................... 6888600.0
| East:.. .................... 1347700.0
| West:....................... -459300.0
| Top:........................ 0.0
| Bottom:..................... 0.0
+-------------------- Metadata information ----------------------------------+
| Raster register table:...... raster_map_register_7df298e5fb2f4a6a9c3414b917eaa0f1
| North-South resolution min:. 500.0
| North-South resolution max:. 500.0
| East-west resolution min:... 500.0
| East-west resolution max:... 500.0
| Minimum value min:.......... -23099.853079
| Minimum value max:.......... 1026.0
| Maximum value min:.......... 280.167206
| Maximum value max:.......... 58014.404187
| Aggregation type:........... None
| Number of semantic labels:.. 17
| Semantic labels:............ S3_F1_BT_fn,S3_F2_BT_in,S3_S1_reflectance_an,S3_S2_reflectance_an,S3_S3_reflectance_an,S3_S4_reflectance_an,S3_S5_reflectance_an,S3_S6_reflectance_an,S3_S7_BT_in,S3_S8_BT_in,S3_S9_BT_in,S3_bayes_an,S3_cloud_an,S3_confidence_an,S3_pointing_an,S3_probability_cloud_dual_in,S3_probability_cloud_single_in
| Number of registered maps:.. 17
| Title:
| Sentinel-3 SLSTR RBT Level 2 pre-processed to reflectance
| Description:
| Sentinel-3 SLSTR RBT product pre-processed to Level 2, reflectance
| Command history:
| # 2024-03-01 14:50:10
| -rj input="/c/data/S3/Raw"
|     output="Sentinel_3_SLSTR_RBT_L2" product_type="S3SL1RBT" nprocs="8" --o
|     --v title="Sentinel-3 SLSTR RBT Level 2 pre-processed to reflectance"
|     description="Sentinel-3 SLSTR RBT product pre-processed to Level 2, reflectance"



Temporal data processing Wiki


Stefan Blumentrath, NVE


Available at: t.sentinel3.import source code (history)

Accessed: Friday Jan 17 12:43:34 2025

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